Check out our frequently updated FAQs for responses to commonly asked questions

  • How to get to Nusa Penida?

    The quickest way to get to Nusa Penida is by fast boat from Sanur or Kusamba. You can also take a ferry from Padangbai.

  • What are the ticket prices for fast boats and where can you buy them?

    Tickets for fast boats to the islands of Nusa Penida or Nusa Lembongan from Sanur cost around 200,000 Rp per one-way trip, and the journey takes less than an hour. You can also purchase an open return ticket.

    If you would like to secure tickets for the boat, please let us know. We’d be happy to arrange a trip for you with a reputable fast boat service at a fair price.

  • Is it possible to transport a motorcycle or a car to Nusa Penida from Bali?

    Yes, it is possible. If you want to transport a motorcycle, simply arrive early at the port in Padangbai and purchase a ticket for the ferry. The price for the crossing with a scooter is 90,000 Rp. However, payment can only be made with a prepaid card, which you can purchase or load at the entrance to the port. When returning to Bali, payment is made in cash at the ticket counter.

  • Are there ATMs on Nusa Penida or is it necessary to bring cash?

    Yes, there are ATMs on Nusa Penida and it is possible to withdraw cash from them as usual. However, be cautious, as sometimes all ATMs may be empty or out of order on any given day. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have some cash on hand or money for exchange at a currency exchange office, just in case.

  • Which beaches are suitable for swimming on Nusa Penida?

    Nusa Penida offers a variety of beautiful beaches, but not all are ideal for swimming. Many have large waves or strong currents that could quickly pull you away from the shore.

    However, you can enjoy swimming, for example, at Atuh Beach or Crystal Bay.

  • How do I arrange snorkeling with mantas on Nusa Penida?

    It’s easy! Just ask at your accommodation or directly at the port. You’ll find many stalls offering snorkeling trips and diving with mantas. However, no one can guarantee that you‘ll actually see mantas.

    If you would like to arrange a snorkeling trip, feel free to contact us, we’d be happy to help. Or you can choose one of our prepared and tried packages.

  • How many days is ideal to spend on Nusa Penida?

    If you want to see the whole island and don’t want to rush your stay, you should spend 2 or 3 days on the island. However, it can also be done in a day. When you’re in Bali, you can take a morning fast boat from Sanur to Nusa Penida and return to Bali in the afternoon.