Kelingking beach

A mesmerizing view of a cliff resembling a giant hand or a Tyrannosaurus Rex

One of the most picturesque places in Bali is undoubtedly Kelingking Beach located beneath the Banah cliffs. This is evident from the large number of visitors who come here to capture the „original“ selfie. 

Apart from the amazing view, you’ll also find a parking lot and several refreshment stalls. You may also encounter some monkeys that live on the cliffs while descending the steps that lead down to the beach. However, be warned that the descent can be quite challenging, so it’s recommended only for those who are in good physical condition. Although the crystal-clear water is inviting for a swim, it’s not safe to swim here due to the strong currents. 

TIP: If you want to enjoy the beauty of this place to yourself in some peace and quiet, you can go further along the cliff. After a few dozen meters, you won’t encounter many tourists, and if you keep walking a bit further beyond the hill, you’ll eventually find yourself completely alone, only with a stunning view of the beach.

Estimated Entrance Fee
5.000 Rp (Parking included)
NO. Not recommended due to strong currents and high waves
